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ICE Benchmark Administration
LEI 2138004J1O2ULCG2XR37

Nom de l'organisation
ICE Benchmark Administration
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
Autres institutions financières
Dette obligataire

explorer la base de données la plus complète

800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


suivre votre portefeuille de la manière la plus efficace

  • screener d'obligations
  • liste de surveillance
  • Excel ADD-IN

Dernières données pour


Requête envoyé
Accès refusé
Les cotations fournis par les fournisseurs d’information sont de nature indicative


ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (IBA) licenses benchmark and other information to users for purposes including: valuation and pricing activities, use as a reference rate in transactions and for the creation of financial products; redistribution to third parties; trading and clearing activities; historical access; and the issuance of exchange traded products. Such benchmark and other information is provided solely for the purposes specified in the relevant licence. Access to certain historical benchmark information is also provided by IBA without a specific licence for information purposes only. IBA is a benchmark administrator, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 (The EU Benchmarks Regulation). IBA is not a manufacturer or distributor of any investment or product, whether based on its benchmark or other information or otherwise, for purposes of Directive 2014/65/EU and Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 (MiFID II) or Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (PRIIPs). IBA does not provide investment advice and no publication of benchmark and other information should be taken as constituting financial or investment advice, an invitation or inducement to engage in any investment activity or a financial promotion.




Dette obligataire par devise


  • LEI


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