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Organisation: CTBC Securities

Nom de l'organisation
CTBC Securities Co., Ltd.
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
Marchés financiers
Dette obligataire

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800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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Les cotations fournis par les fournisseurs d’information sont de nature indicative


CTBC Securities, formerly known as Pou Chen Securities, was founded in 1989. It was originally the largest professional brokerage in Kaohsiung with an initial capital investment of NT$200 million. In 2000, its name was changed to Chinatrust Securities Corporation and its capital had increased to NT$3.5 billion. In 2003 it was renamed Chinatrust Securities Co., Ltd. (CTBC Securities) and had increased capital to NT$5 billion. In 2009, to increase our operational capital, BIS ratio, and EPS, we issued private equity, increasing our capital to NT$5.36 billion. In 2015, in order to enhance capital operation, we increased our capital to NT$6.03 billion. CTBC Securities with a full license over Investment Banking, Trading and brokerage and consulting service; in Investment Banking business, including EQUITY capital market like IPO, SPO, and Debt capital market like straight bond or convertible bond, and financial advisory service and so on. In trading business, we look for US and the great china investment opportunities with stocks, bonds, and derivatives. We also play a market marker in futures and ETF products; meanwhile we successfully got attention from our warrant issuer business. In brokerage business, Currently, in addition to the CTBC Securities has 10 outlets in Taiwan cover 90% population area, which provide customers with publicly-traded securities and investment opportunities in emerging stocks and futures trading. we focus on providing total solution for CTBC group clients. They can get all kinds of trading and investment advisory service with our sales team or automatic service over internet.


Participation dans les transactions

Toutes les émissions Tableaux de classement Cbonds



Dette obligataire par devise


  • LEI
  • ICB
    8.700 Financial Services

Notations de crédit et notations d’ESG


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