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Organisation: KH Shruba

Nom de l'organisation
Shrub M.G. farm
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
Dette obligataire
4 millions USD

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800 000

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80 000


9 000


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The peasant farm of Shrub Mikhail Grigoryevich is a private farm located in the city of Turov, Gomel region, Republic of Belarus. Founded in 1993. At the moment, it is the largest onion producer in Belarus, one of the most successful producers of vegetables and potatoes. The structure of the farm includes a pig-breeding complex producing over 1,000 tons of meat annually, as well as a herd of 3,000 head of cattle.

The farm has an extensive fleet of agricultural machinery, both domestic and foreign. There is a complex of modern storage facilities with systems for maintaining an optimal microclimate for 20,000 tons of vegetables and potatoes with a shop for pre-sale preparation and packaging of finished products, equipped with automatic lines for washing and polishing vegetables and potatoes.

The farm develops areas of agro-ecotourism - a tourist complex is being built on the Stviga River as part of the farm - as well as a retail trade.




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Dette obligataire par devise


  • UNP (Payer’s Account Number)

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