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Organisation: Euroboden

Il y a eu un défaut de l'émetteur des obligations en 2023
Nom de l'organisation
Euroboden GmbH
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
Divers, construction
Notations de crédit et notations d’ESG
  • Scope
Dette obligataire
124 millions USD

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800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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The Euroboden Group (Euroboden GmbH) is one of the leading developers of sophisticated housing in the German-speaking region. Its work encompasses the entire value chain, from location evaluation to project planning, to realisation and marketing. We are convinced that good architecture creates lasting values as well as economic added value. Euroboden was founded in 1999 by Stefan Höglmaier in Munich and realises buildings that are shaped by a passion for architecture. Euroboden has a great understanding of architecture. All projects are defined by a clear architectural concept that flows consistently throughout. This objective affects the architectural form as much as the selection of materials and design of all details. Each house becomes one of a kind thanks to how all the components work together. Renovation and modernisation are held in the same regard as new buildings. This includes the careful handling of a historic cityscape and its further development. When creating built space, Euroboden is aware of its responsibility as a property developer, resulting in an architectural culture.




Dernières émissions

Dette obligataire par devise


  • LEI

Notations de crédit et notations d’ESG


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