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Organisation: Final Varlik

Nom de l'organisation
Final Varlik Yonetim A.S.
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
Autres institutions financières
Dette obligataire

explorer la base de données la plus complète

800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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liste de surveillance
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Accès refusé
Les cotations fournis par les fournisseurs d’information sont de nature indicative


Since the year 2011 continues to work with the BRSA decision final operating permit by the Asset Management Company, in 2012, was taken over by the BRSA Altinhas holding with permission. All activities such as asset management company with the relevant legislation and in accordance with the BRSA which carries out the final assets supervision and control, creating an efficient business partner and the value of the financial sector continues to operate in order to become an exclusive member. Final Assets; problem will fast in the collection process, effective and creative ways to add value by creating is focused on solutions, troubled receivables in the power of the expertise in the collection of experience and industry, continues its activities to develop business solutions that will increase the benefits for all parties involved in the joint of the process.




Dernières émissions

Dette obligataire par devise

Notations de crédit et notations d’ESG


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