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Organisation: Aleman, Cordero, Galindo & Lee

Nom de l'organisation
Aleman, Cordero, Galindo & Lee
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
Autres secteurs
Dette obligataire

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800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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Alemán, Cordero, Galindo & Lee (ALCOGAL) was founded in 1985 and has rapidly emerged as one of Panama’s preeminent law firms. ALCOGAL strives to grow alongside its clients, which include Global Fortune 500 corporations, multinationals, financial institutions, family offices, hedge funds, financial sponsors, among others. ALCOGAL’s various practice groups are supported by its offices worldwide, and also by its global network of preferred advisers and correspondents. ALCOGAL has participated in many of Panama’s landmark commercial and financial transactions. ALCOGAL’s skilled team of corporate attorneys and professional staff advice on both domestic and international matters concerning Antitrust/Competition, Banking, Capital Markets, Corporate Services, Dispute Resolution, Energy and Infrastructure, Immigration, Intellectual Property, International Trade, Labor, Litigation, M&A, Mining, Project Finance, Public Tenders, Real Estate, Regulatory, Shipping, and Telecommunications.


Participation dans les transactions

Toutes les émissions Tableaux de classement Cbonds



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