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Organisation: CORBANA

Nom de l'organisation
Corporacion Bananera Nacional
Nom du pays
Costa Rica
Pays d'enregistrement
Costa Rica
Secteur économique
Autres institutions financières
Dette obligataire

explorer la base de données la plus complète

800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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liste de surveillance
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Accès refusé
Les cotations fournis par les fournisseurs d’information sont de nature indicative


Corporacion Bananera Nacional (CORBANA) is a non-governmental institution in Costa Rica supporting the national banana industry. It was established by law in 1971 to develop the banana industry and to serve banana producers. According to CORBANA, "This institution develops research programs aimed at strengthening the quality of banana farming, provides state-of-the-art technology to producers, maintains lines of credit to facilitate the operation and recovery of the plantations struck by natural disasters in the Costa Rican Caribbean, among other commitments to improve the industry."




Dernières émissions

Dette obligataire par devise

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