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Organisation: Ali Sharif Zu'bi Advocates & Legal Consultants

Nom de l'organisation
Ali Sharif Zu'bi Advocates & Legal Consultants
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
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800 000

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Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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The firm, which was established in Nazareth, Palestine, in 1921 by the late Sharif Ali Zu’bi, is a leading Jordanian law firm with substantial international practice. The firm is heavily involved in substantially all major transactions in Jordan with special emphasis on foreign investment, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, government and infrastructure projects, and privatisation, in addition to handling major commercial litigation and arbitration. The firm’s members are highly experienced in legislative matters and have participated in drafting many of the business related laws in Jordan, such as the Companies Law, Securities Law, Banking Law and Deposit Insurance Law. The firm’s lawyers work together and across practice specialities to help clients anticipate and avoid problems, resolve disputes and achieve their legal and business goals.


Participation dans les transactions

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