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JBS, pays — Brésil
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Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
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JBS S.A. is the largest Brazilian multinational in the food industry, producing fresh, chilled, and processed beef, chicken and pork, and also selling by-products from the processing of these meats. It was founded in 1953 in ...
JBS S.A. is the largest Brazilian multinational in the food industry, producing fresh, chilled, and processed beef, chicken and pork, and also selling by-products from the processing of these meats. It was founded in 1953 in Anapolis, Goias. The company has established itself as the world's largest company in the beef sector with the acquisition of several stores and food companies in Brazil and in the world, with emphasis on the 2007 acquisition of U.S. firm Swift & Company, denominated as JBS USA. It leads the world in slaughter capacity, at 51.4 thousand head per day, and continues to focus on production operations, processing, and export plants, nationally and internationally. With the new acquisition, JBS entered the pork market, featuring an impressive performance in this segment, to end the year as the third largest producer and processor of this type of meat in the U.S. The acquisition expanded the company's portfolio to include the rights worldwide use of the Swift brand. JBS's production structure is embedded in consumer markets worldwide, with plants installed in the world's 4 leading beef producing nations, Brazil, Argentina, USA and Australia, serving 110 countries through exports. On September 16, 2009 the company announced that it had acquired the food operation of Grupo Bertin, one of three Brazilian market leaders, consolidating its position as the largest beef producer in the world. The banks JP Morgan Chase and Santander Brasil assisted in the transaction. On the same day it was announced that the company had acquired 64% of Pilgrim's Pride for a bid of 2.8 billion US dollars, establishing JBS's position in the chicken production industry.
  • Emetteur
  • Nom complet de l'emprunteur / émetteur
    JBS S.A.
  • Secteur (industrie)
    Production d'aliments et de boissons

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