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Hochdorf, ordinary share
CH0024666528, HOCN

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Hochdorf, pays — Suisse
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Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
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The HOCHDORF Group is one of the market leaders in Switzerland in developing, producing and marketing wholesome foodstuffs and ingredients from milk and cereals. We are proud that our work makes an important contribution to the ...
The HOCHDORF Group is one of the market leaders in Switzerland in developing, producing and marketing wholesome foodstuffs and ingredients from milk and cereals. We are proud that our work makes an important contribution to the health of babies, children and adults of all ages around the world. The HOCHDORF Group is active in the areas of dairy ingredients, baby care, and cereals & ingredients and has a staff of around 360 employees. Our products are sold worldwide in over 70 countries. Our customers include the food industry and the retail sector.
  • Emetteur
  • Nom complet de l'emprunteur / émetteur
    Hochdorf Holding AG
  • Secteur (industrie)
    Production d'aliments et de boissons


Obligations nationales et internationales de l'émetteur


Leaders de l'industrie

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