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Cbonds Pages: Cbonds Estimation Onshore

Nom de l'organisation
Cbonds Estimation Onshore
Nom du pays
Pays d'enregistrement
Secteur économique
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800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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Les cotations fournis par les fournisseurs d’information sont de nature indicative


Cbonds indicative quotes calculation of the Cbonds Estimation Onshore for bonds and Eurobonds of Russia and Belarus issuers market is carried out for assets that have regularly updated bid and/or ask quotes received from Russian and Belarusian organizations and formed within the framework of the relevant infrastructures in order to reflect the situation in the domestic market. The calculation is carried out in accordance with methodology posted in the section “Documents” below.


The objective for Cbonds Estimation Onshore indicative quotes formation is daily selection of asset quotes, which, according to re-search and expert evaluation by Cbonds, are in maximum correspondence with the existing market conditions and trends of demand and supply.


The end result of the methodology application is a single Cbonds Estimation Onshore indicative quote for each asset, which is based on bid and ask data from various Quote vendors (stock exchange trading floors and OTC market participants).


Cbonds Estimation Onshore indicative quotes are posted on Cbonds website in the section “Bond Quote Search“.





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