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Suzano Holding, depositary receipt

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Suzano Holding, pays — Brésil
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Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
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The Suzano Group has operated in the pulp and paper industry for over 85 years. Our mission is to become a benchmark among the 10 most profitable private business conglomerates in the country, based on a ...
The Suzano Group has operated in the pulp and paper industry for over 85 years. Our mission is to become a benchmark among the 10 most profitable private business conglomerates in the country, based on a vision that unites family control, professional high performance management and affiliation with the capital market. Our history has been marked by the ability to innovate, assume risks and venture in the proposal of new business models and products in the search for value generating solutions for the organization and society. To maintain our competitiveness aligned with this profile, we distributed sustainable practices throughout the various levels of the organization. We invest in the creation of long lasting relationships, marked by respect and mutual trust, with employees, consumers and customers, vendors, communities, and other internal and external audiences.
  • Emetteur
  • Nom complet de l'emprunteur / émetteur
    Suzano Holding S.A.
  • Secteur (industrie)
    Industrie papetière et du bois
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