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Suburban Propane, MLP units
US8644821048, SPH

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Suburban Propane, pays — États-Unis
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Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
Source d'information - PJSC "MOEX". Toute autre diffusion des informations MOEX est interdite sans l'accord préalable de PJSC "MOEX".
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Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (the Partnership) is a nationwide marketer and distributor of a range of products meeting the energy needs of the customers. The Partnership specializes in the distribution of propane, fuel oil and refined ...
Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (the Partnership) is a nationwide marketer and distributor of a range of products meeting the energy needs of the customers. The Partnership specializes in the distribution of propane, fuel oil and refined fuels, as well as the marketing of natural gas and electricity in deregulated markets. The Company installs and services a range of home comfort equipment, particularly in the areas of heating and ventilation. As of September 28, 2013, it was serving approximately 1.2 million residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural customers through approximately 750 locations in 41 states located primarily in the east and west coast regions of the United States, including Alaska. During the fiscal year ended September 28, 2013 (fiscal 2013), it sold approximately 534.6 million gallons of propane and 53.7 million gallons of fuel oil and refined fuels to retail customers.
  • Emetteur
  • Nom complet de l'emprunteur / émetteur
    Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.
  • Secteur (industrie)
    Fourniture de gaz, d'eau et de chaleur
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