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Obligations internationales: Venezuela, 9.25% 15sep2027, USD (US922646AS37)

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  • Ticker
    VENZ 9.25 09/15/27

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800 000

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9 000


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Information sur l'émission

Issuance of Venezuelan global bonds reached USD 7.4bn in 2010. The government of Venezuela sold USD3.0bn worth of global bonds in international debt capital markets in 2010. PDVSA raised USD4.1bn in global bonds. During the first ...
Issuance of Venezuelan global bonds reached USD 7.4bn in 2010. The government of Venezuela sold USD3.0bn worth of global bonds in international debt capital markets in 2010. PDVSA raised USD4.1bn in global bonds. During the first three quarters of 2011 flow of global bonds from Venezuela totaled USD10.35bn, including 4.2bn of Venezuelan sovereign bonds and USD6.15bn of Bonos PDVSA.
Venezuelan bond market is state-run. State companies, joint ventures, community councils and private companies must be authorized to sell debt. The public bond transaction system called SITME is used instead of Forex market.
“The bulk of the securities currently exchanged through the SITME system are dollar denominated bonds issued by Venezuela's oil company and the government. The Central Bank holds the securities and sells them to Authorized Financial Institutions at a price that reflects the SITME exchange rate of 5.3 VEF/US$. Individuals and companies that wish to access dollars need to place specific orders with their banks. Then the banks, on behalf of their clients, buy the dollar denominated bonds from the Central Bank with Venezuelan Bolivares. When US dollars are required, the client instructs their bank to sell these bonds out in the international market, thus generating the US dollars that the client needs. The dollars are then transferred to the client's bank account for a commission.”- EDC Economics reports.
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  • Secteur
  • Montant de placement USD
  • Montant émis USD
  • Montant nominal émis USD
  • Montant minimum
    1.000 USD
  • Nominal non remboursé
    *** USD
  • Multiple
    *** USD
  • Nominal
    1.000 USD
  • Listing

Paramètres de cash flow

  • Taux de référence
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  • Convention de base
  • Date de jouissance
  • Fréquence de paiement des coupons
    *** fois par an
  • Devise de paiement
  • Maturité

Cash flow

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Conditions du remboursement anticipé


Service de dette

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800 000

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Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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  • Type d'émission
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  • Prix d'émission initiale (rendement)
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  • Type d'investisseur
  • Objectifs du placement
    The issuance of the Global Bonds is intended to provide a liquid, long-term sovereign risk benchmark for the Republic. In addition, the Global Bond Offering is part of a broader program of the Republic to manage its external liabilities. The Republic will not receive any proceeds from the sale of the Global Bonds. The proceeds of the sale of collateral released upon the retirement of the Brady Bonds exchanged in connection with the Global Bond Offering are expected to be used by the Republic for general purposes, including without limitation for the retirement of indebtedness of the Republic to Banco Central incurred in connection with the original acquisition of the collateral in 1990 at the time of issuance of 'the Brady Bonds.
  • Dépôt
    ***, ***, ***
  • Agent payeur
  • Conseiller juridique arrangeur (droit international)
  • Conseiller juridique de l'émetteur (droit international)

Conversion et échange

  • Conditions de la conversion


  • Cas de défaut


  • Changement de contrôle


  • Clause d'action collective


  • Défaut croisé


  • Désignation de filiales restreintes et non restreintes


  • Détérioration de la notation financière


  • Engagements financiers


  • Limitation de l'endettement


  • Limitation de la dette subsidiaire


  • Limitation de la superposition (anti-superposition)


  • Limitation de la vente / location


  • Limitation de la vente d'actifs


  • Limitation des activités commerciales


  • Limitation des dividendes et autres restrictions de paiement affectant les filiales restreintes


  • Limitation des investissements


  • Limitation des paiements restreints


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  • Restrictions à la fusion


  • Suspension de la convention/ Fall-Away


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Information supplémentaire

Dernières émissions


  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Common Code
  • CFI
  • FIGI
  • WKN
  • Ticker
    VENZ 9.25 09/15/27
  • Type de titre, selon la BCR


Classification de l'émission

  • Senior Unsecured
  • Registered
  • Obligations à coupon
  • Bonds
  • Amortissement
  • Remboursable par anticipation
  • CDO
  • Convertibles
  • Obligations double-devise
  • Taux variable
  • Pour les investisseurs qualifiés
  • Obligations étrangères
  • Obligations vertes
  • Garanties
  • Le nominal indexé sur l'inflation
  • Emissions supranationales
  • Le coupon indexé sur l'inflation
  • Hypothécaires
  • Perpétuelles
  • Paiement en nature
  • Titres non-négociables
  • Redemption Linked
  • Restructuration
  • Obligations de détail
  • Obligations sécurisées
  • Titrisation
  • Produits structurés
  • Les obligations commerciaux
  • Subordonnées
  • Sukuk
  • TRACE-éligible



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