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Obligations nationales: Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, FRN 31jul2018, BYN (15) (5-200-02-1745, BY50002A5659, Банк развития Республики Беларусь Оп15)

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Taux variable

Emission | Emetteur
  • Expert RA
      | ***
À échéance
44.880.000 BYN
Remboursement (option)
*** (-)
Pays du risque
Coupon courant
Rendement / duration
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Calculer en deux clicks! Rendement, duration et d'autres métriques
Calculatrice Qu'est-ce que la Calculatrice?
  • Montant de placement
    44.880.000 BYN
  • Montant émis
    44.880.000 BYN
  • Dénomination
    100 BYN
  • ISIN

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800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


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  • screener d'obligations
  • liste de surveillance
  • Excel ADD-IN

Documents d'émission

Avis d'émission et de placement

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Représentation des données graphique | tableau
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Information sur l'émission

The main goal of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus OJSC is the development of a system for financing state programs and socially significant investment projects. The main tasks of JSC "Development Bank of the ...
The main goal of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus OJSC is the development of a system for financing state programs and socially significant investment projects. The main tasks of JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" are: financing of projects included in programs approved by the President of the Republic of Belarus and (or) the Government of the Republic of Belarus, by providing loans for their implementation on their own behalf and at their own expense on the terms of urgency, payment and repayment in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in agreement with The President of the Republic of Belarus; acquisition of bank assets in accordance with the list of such assets and the procedure approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. To achieve its goals, JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" carries out the following operations: attraction of loans and credits; attraction of budget funds to deposits; provision of loans for the implementation of government programs on its own behalf and at its own expense on terms of urgency, payment and repayment; opening and maintaining bank accounts of legal entities participating in the implementation of projects included in state programs to accumulate a part of the proceeds directed exclusively to repay the debt owed to them; making settlements in non-cash form through correspondent and other accounts opened by the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus OJSC with the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and other banks; servicing and repayment of external government loans and external loans, attracted under the guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, provided for financing projects included in government programs; acquisition of bank assets on the basis of agreements on assignment of claim at the expense of funds at the disposal of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
  • Emetteur
    Allez à la page de l'émetteur
    Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
  • Nom complet de l'emprunteur / émetteur
    Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
  • Secteur
  • Secteur (industrie)
  • Montant de placement
    44.880.000 BYN
  • Montant émis
    44.880.000 BYN
  • Nominal
    100 BYN
  • Nominal non remboursé
    *** BYN
  • Listing

Paramètres de cash flow

  • Taux de référence
    Refinancing Rate of the National Bank of Belarus
  • Taux facial
  • Convention de base
  • Date de jouissance
  • Fréquence de paiement des coupons
    *** fois par an
  • Devise de paiement
  • Maturité

Conditions du remboursement anticipé


explorer la base de données la plus complète

800 000

obligations globalement

Plus de 400

sources de prix

80 000


9 000


suivre votre portefeuille de la manière la plus efficace

  • screener d'obligations
  • liste de surveillance
  • Excel ADD-IN


  • Type d'émission
    Souscription fermée
  • Type de placement
  • Placement
  • Répartition géographique
  • Type d'investisseur
  • Dépôt

Conversion et échange

  • Conditions de la conversion

Information supplémentaire

Dernières émissions

Etats financiers IFRS / US GAAP

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  • Numéro d'enregistrement
  • Enregistrement
  • ISIN
  • Cbonds ID
  • CUSIP 144A
  • Nom abrégé de l'émission dans le système de trading
    Банк развития Республики Беларусь Оп15
  • Type de titre, selon la BCR


Classification de l'émission

  • Rang: Undefined
  • Registered
  • Obligations à coupon
  • Taux variable
  • Amortissement
  • Remboursable par anticipation
  • CDO
  • Convertibles
  • Obligations double-devise
  • Pour les investisseurs qualifiés
  • Obligations étrangères
  • Obligations vertes
  • Garanties
  • Le nominal indexé sur l'inflation
  • Emissions supranationales
  • Le coupon indexé sur l'inflation
  • Hypothécaires
  • Perpétuelles
  • Paiement en nature
  • Titres non-négociables
  • Redemption Linked
  • Restructuration
  • Obligations de détail
  • Obligations sécurisées
  • Titrisation
  • Produits structurés
  • Les obligations commerciaux
  • Subordonnées
  • Sukuk
  • TRACE-éligible



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